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Entries in Recovery Comic (1)


Recovery Comedy of Kurtis Matthews 

Stand Up Comedy Clubs are businesses and they have bills to pay. With that said, the Comedy Clubs generally rely on liquor sales to keep the business afloat with food and ticket sales being a smaller part of the overall profits. This usually isn't a problem unless you happen to be in Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or any other 12 step Program. Being in AA means you aren't drinking anymore and that can also be true for NA, which can make it difficult to go out and enjoy an evening of Stand Up Comedy. Many times there is a server pushing two required drinks on to you and even if you aren't getting an alcoholic drink being around people who are drinking can make it tough for someone in recovery to enjoy some stand up comedy.

Recovery Comedy Presents Kurtis Matthews

A Recovery Comic

Check out the clean and sober entertainment of Kurtis Matthews at Recovery Comedy. Clean and sober comedy for your next AA, NA or other 12 Step related event!

Recovery Comedy

Clean and Sober Comedy

Recently with the growing acceptance of recovery oriented shows like "Intervention", "Celebrity Rehab" and most recently Comedy Central's own "Comics Anonymous" recovery audiences specifically are becoming a more recognized demographic. We are now starting to see comedy shows featuring Comedians who are in Recovery springing up all over the place. The comedians in these shows come from all backgrounds and various 12 step programs like the above mentioned AA, NA and even Al-anon, Codependents Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous and Gamblers Anymous just to name a few. The audiences enjoying these comedians are also in recovery and are able to enjoy comedians who can relate to them about overcoming the obstacles of addiction as well as laughing through the pain of addiction.

They say, "Comedy is Tragedy Plus Time" and in the case of recovery based comedy these comedians with some time under their belts of being clean and sober makes for a truly funny, amazing and unique show. Recovery Comedy isn't your usual dating and airplane food comedy and sometimes it doesn't paint a very pretty picture, but the sometimes gritty nature of this type of comedy makes for particularly enthralling recovery humor.

One such recovery comedian is Kurtis Matthews. In 1984, Kurtis Matthews began his stand-up career at the Improv in Hollywood. That same year, he also embarked upon his own journey in recovery from alcoholism after an automobile accident resulted in his second DUI and jail time. Touring alongside such renowned comedy veterans as Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison, he learned the joys of making people laugh as well as the challenges of staying sober while doing so. After twelve years of touring nationally and appearing on A & E's "Evening at the Improv," Kurtis took a five-year break to work in the software industry. Stand-up had never left his heart, though, and in 1999, he started the San Francisco Comedy College (SFCC), the nation's largest stand-up school. The SFCC has trained over 2,000 people to be funny, attracting scouts from HBO and the Late Show with David Letterman. Kurtis Matthews was most recently in "Celebrity Rehab" Season 2 and in the BBC Production "Find Me the Funny" Kurtis uses his struggles with infidelity, alcohol and drugs to enrich his material, Kurtis makes audiences laugh while inspiring them to be the best people they can be.

If you would like to find out more about recovery based comedy or to book a comedy show for your next AA, NA or other 12 Step Recovery Related Event contact Recovery Comedy today!